Tuesday, July 5, 2011


HuiFeNn says: Finally can have a peaceful holiday

every semester like this.
few months before the exam,
status: die la. i dunno what i am learning
few weeks before the exam,
status: omg. die la.
a week before exam,
i hope i can get Distinction. can kua? (calculating the mark, IF i got this for final and this for internal)
during exam,
status: die la die la... can pass or not oh? (calculating the mark again, and say die)
after the exam,
status: ermmm.... ok kua??? can pass la...can pass la. can get credit kua??
one day before result release,
status: omg omg omg omg HOW?
the day result release,
Status, HOW HOW HOW? I am scared like shit? i dun want to get supp. give me pass. please. pass is enuf for me. no supp no fail.
'resulting' process,
status: refresh, refresh, refresh, i dunno what i am thinking now?
after viewing the result,
status: oh, thanks got. a lot better than wad i expected.

time to sleep. i am happy now.
zhi zhu chang le. LOL!

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