Cause we are the family of Turtle. and he is the youngest one... My brother. hahaha. lol... (ICPU first semester... crazy with turtle stuff)
The Family of Nightmare before Christmas. hahaha,. picture taken in sunway,. hahha... after the PHOTO STICKER?? haha...

Bee, as i promise... haha. i will make this for u... haha. don't blame me... haha.
He has his Own Movie... Bee Movie. hahaha.
Bee... no more pau qing tian la. be happy... Bee Happy. haha
He has his Own Movie... Bee Movie. hahaha.

Who is Ah Bee Ng? haha. he is Ng Shan Yuan... lol.. wad m i talking? haha. he is a guy? lol. obviously. hahaha.... read this blog.. if u wanna knw more about him. hahaha.

He also kena molest by Mr.Kee Shen. haha.. lol. this is Love. hahaha

Very hard to see Ah Bee smile. haha. In the First semester of ICPU... he is known as Pau Qing Tian. haha. cz he has a very very very black face. haha. wonder why he dowan to smile more. haha. he is acting cool? haha. no la. he said that he is actually tired. haha. dunno lo. or maybe not in mood? hahaha..

OKOK.... look at this picture. hahaha... thanks for Yee Hong i think... hahaha.. to capture...... AH BEE is LAUGHING.... hahaha.

Btw... try to notice ah bee... in every picture... u will find out that... he like to 'drink'. haha..
First: Burger King (coke i guess)... look at his face that time... banyak lansi lo, hahaha... black!
Bee Happy la Bee... haha.. lol... this is ICPU first semester la. maybe lots of things happen ba.. wads that?? shhh... secret. hahaha. lol..

Haha. Ah Bee with our Hush Puppies Guys, haha... he is the second leng chai also? hahaha. always be the second. haha. not going to mention how he got the award... SECOND LENG CHAI... hahaha. or else he will scold me again. haha. sorry bee... i am sorry :(

Ah bee... haha. the way he sleep. weird right? hahah. but then... as long as he is comfortable... or happy...? then enough lo. hahaha. lol... (All BLUE... haha)

Ah Bee is trying to act cool. hahaha.. but then.... not cool at all meh? cool la cool la. haha. u see... mya is wearing sweater la. haha. ok.. bee.. you're cool.. haha.. Ah Bee actually changed a lot.... from the second sem to third sem... he seems like... become happier. hahahah.. good... good..
Ah Bee is very Pretty too... haha. not only handsome lo. but pretty.. haha. if she is a girl... sure a lot of guys (like ng shan yuan) will die under her hand lo. haha. but then... he is a guy... nvm la... still handsome ma.. haha. look at this picture. hahaha... pretty right. hahaha.. (thanks to Yee Hong too...)

Nah.. u see... he is trying to act cool or black face again? hahahaha... cool? lol.. cold.. and freezing... Genting ba this. hahha...

This picture is very famous you know... hahaha. sylvester, weiling, yeehong, keeshen, jyedin,foofoo and my friendster primary picture for dunno how many weeks la. hahaha. lol. we are trying to promote his ass...... haha... cz... its too.... errr.. yeap.. sexy, haha

Nothing else.. hahaha. he just look good in this pic, hahaha, cz no more Justice Pao. hahaha. smile more... Smile Bee, haha. very yeng lo this picture. hahaha. (his facebook profile pic)

Me, Hwee and Ah Bee very geng one lo. hahaha. we grabbed chicken wings in Yuan. hahahaha... lol.. u knw hoh.. .very hard to grab one la. haha. we have our own skills. haha. if not mistaken.. i am taking the plate. then hwee and ah bee 'kiap' the chicken wing... claps... proud... tears.. hahaha....

Ah bee... what else... his hobby is to bomb people... siapa lah yang never kena ah bee bomb.. yee hong la paling kasihan... haiz.. he kena ah bee bomb until he want to suicide already... haha... kasihan... everyday bomb yeehong. haha. and the way he bomb a... omg. non stop one.. hahah.. (Bee... bomb me la. hahaha. lama tidak kena bomb already)

But hoh... he also will kena bomb one. haha. he is not the king of bomb wad,. hahaha. look at sylvester, hahaha. he is trying to bomb ah bee... hahahahaha.,,, hahaha.ah bee pretend to die. hahahaha....

To be honest... Ah bee is very smart. haha. haha.. at least the smarter boy in the gang la. i mean hush puppies gang... haha... he is very neat too... his things.. his room.... his bag... his clothes... everything is just too neat.. hahha. till u cannot believe that this is a GUY's room. hahaha. cz his room is too clean. hahaha.

He can cook very well too. haha.. he cook..... (steam p*rk and eggs....)... damn nice la wei. hahaha. and see... this is the CHEESY FISH... everyone loves it... good work ah bee.. hahah

This is Kee Shen... Ah bee's room mate.. when u msn chat with them hoh.. very dangerous one lo. hahaha. cz suddenly... u chat with ah bee... then suddenly.... become kee shen. hahaha. so never talk something bad bout them... hahaha... (tips)

Miss Nadeline. hahaha. ah bee said that.... he wanna show me the firecrackers.. haha. but... haiz.. i wait till now... still nothing. hahah. bee... go icpu office la. hahaha. when u wan to play firecrackers... u tell me la. i fly there terus. hahahha... lol....

Sadly? graduated from ICPU.... haha. and i miss him a lot. no one bomb me like him. hahahahha... My Brother... Merdeka Boy...

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